Sunday, September 12, 2010

Random Thoughts Tonight

Cooking. I keep trying new recipes. I follow them as directed. At the time I am thinking it would be better with this or that change. I don't really like any recipe I try. I like what I create out of my head much better. I am going to get online and explore blending ingredients, cooking techniques and teach myself to confidently create my own recipes. Tonight the bbq'd pork was way less than satisfying. Oh yes, and no more Trader Joe's asparagus. I usually love TJ's food...asparagus has been consistently bad.

Dogs. The 2 yappy obnoxious schnauzers behind us are getting worse instead of better. Kally and Toby. Kally has a high pitched non-stop bark that irritates the heck out of me. Amazingly my dogs are quiet if I tell them to be. Toby is much like Ringo (God 't rest his soul). He drives Dakota and Lenny absolutely positively nuts. I think it is the male to male thing. He doesn't bark much but when he does, they come unglued and don't listen to a thing I say.

Dakota (Husky-Shepard mix) & Lenny (Flat Coated Retriever-Shepard mix)

Dogs continued. Sophie and David next to us love to entertain. When they have guests over they leave Ginger outside. Ginger is a golden retriever that is a people and house dog...she does not like to be left outside. She barks and barks to get in and it always breaks my heart because she sounds so sad. However, tonight their guests came with a dog of their own. The two of them have been left outside. The two of them want to go inside. The two of them won't stop barking to get inside. I am weary of it all.

Movies. We just watched 300. Although the story is pretty amazing the movie was way too much for me to handle.It is always hard to find something everyone likes.

Good night :/

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