Friday, September 23, 2011

True Love

I am leaving my house at 6:30 tomorrow morning to paint the sleeping cabin (groan). I usually don't do anything but snore at 6:30 in the morning. Must be true love.

After Shaun and Kellen finished the siding project on the sleeping cabin Grandma, Glenna and I got it ready for David, and John to join us on Saturday and Sunday for a paint-party-weekend. Grandma and Grandpa are going to be chief cook and bottle washers. James and Daniel are babysitting the dogs (fur, allergies and paint just don't mix).

John borrowed this nifty paint sprayer from his boss.

After I taped the front windows I timbored the heck out of the new wood around the entire cabin. *Timbored* is a new verb that will get a lot of use at the beach from now on.

Tim-bor is actually an insecticide you spay on wood to prevent or treat infestation by wood boring insects such as termites, powder post beetles (our particular insect of choice), ants, spiders, etc. As of now, every square inch of the sleeping cabin has been doused in Tim-bor.

Not this summer (!) but soon we will have to begin the project of timboring the little cabin and the big cabin too. Whew, I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

Grandma got the back wall taped and ready to be timbored and then painted. 

This weekend we will also paint the back room It will be eggshell white 'cuz we have 4 gallons of leftover flat eggshell white from Shannon's condo remodel :)

Glenna scraped, brushed and squashed every bug, cobweb and other generally disgusting thing attached to the outside of the cabin.

Glenna shopvaced (another beach verb) every square inch and Grandma sanded the rough edges of the new wood.

Surveying the work and decided on what's next...or are we all done!

We are done! The cabin is now ready to be sprayed green (the same green that is on the trim of the little cabin).

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