[truh-dish-uhn] noun
1. the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs, information, etc., from generation to generation, especially by word of mouth or by practice: a story that has come down to us by popular tradition.
2. something that is handed down: the traditions of the Eskimos.
3. a long-established or inherited way of thinking or acting: The rebellious students wanted to break with tradition.
4. going to the beach Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day: The FamDamnLy have a tradition of being together at the beach on these holiday's.
As our family ages, moves, changes and makes new choices I think a lot of FamDamnLy traditions will change. Change is hard. Change is inevitable. Change is here to stay. I will embrace the changes I like and ignore the ones I don't...spoken like a true Horrigan, don't you think :)
We accomplished a lot over Labor Day 2011. That said...there is still more to be done. We very much need some boys to clear ivy on the hillside, split the remaining rounds, and clear behind the corner of the little cabin (only the corner is left - Glenna completely scoured the rest of the area behind the cabin - it looks amazing).
As promised, photos of our weekend at the beach...
Story telling at it's best
Drake and Henry were a hoot!
Grandpa never tired of their antics. They were amazingly well behaved for being so young (I'm envious). They are obviously the best of friends and adored their people. |
There were lots of behind-the-scenes projects going on that I did not get pics of but here is a sampling of what we accomplished. It felt good!
John and I made a huge dent in the fishing cabin project and made a 5th dump run (okay, mostly John but as his official go-fer I'm sure I make a difference LoL!). Tyler split a bunch of wood. Jocelyn swept roofs. Glenna finished the new table (new as in an old table rejuvinated) and raked, swept, pulled and cut lots of vegitation and debris. Grandma, Granpa and Jody managed a multitude of missions - the most important of which was being chief cook and bottle washers :)
John and I made a huge dent in the fishing cabin project and made a 5th dump run (okay, mostly John but as his official go-fer I'm sure I make a difference LoL!). Tyler split a bunch of wood. Jocelyn swept roofs. Glenna finished the new table (new as in an old table rejuvinated) and raked, swept, pulled and cut lots of vegitation and debris. Grandma, Granpa and Jody managed a multitude of missions - the most important of which was being chief cook and bottle washers :)
After John and I fell through the porch (ouch!) it was time for it to go. |
He likes to tell me to put the camera down and get back to work (he thinks he's being funny :)). I tell him my peeps need the pics (I can be funny too). |
Building the frame for the new porch. |
YES (says John)! The frame fits and Granpa approves. |
Grandma putting a final coat of verathane on the new porch. |
Grandma checks out the progress inside the rooms (she is standing on temporary boards while the new floor dries). |
Voila! Ready for paint. |
There was plenty of play time, visiting and relaxing for everyone. Jocelyn, Hailey and the dogs took some great walks. Tyler took Hailey and the dogs out in the row boat - well mostly Hailey since Henry wouldn't get in the boat and Drake kept jumping back out - wish I had snapshots of that; very funny :) Everyone got some reading time in and soaked up loads of VitaminD.
Someone has been playing with candles and melted the ketchup bottle... ...and it wasn't the youngest James! |
The Bowen Family (minus Henry and Drake). They loved being there. We loved having them there. Good quality time was spent together. Doesn't get much better than that! |
Hailey is carrying on the time-honored tradition of every kid at the beach and playing with kelp; this guy was humungous! |
Three mom's. Three generations. Lots of love. |
Showing us Jocelyn's present. |
Quiet Time :) |
Shannon might have to arm wrestle for hammock time...HRB looks right at home there! |
The many faces of Grandpa BBQ'ing...
Celebrating Hailey's 8th Birthday
We celebrated with ice cream cake (have to keep up some traditions!), song and presents. |
The birthday girl gets the first slice! |
We played this game the next afternoon. She's good. Very good. Let's just say Glenna and I need to work on our last word skills - who ever would have thought that possible :) |
And that about covers Labor Day 2011. I'm looking forwar to 2012 and whatever is in store for all of us!
PS - Driftwood update: it's still there :)
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