Saturday, February 5, 2011

Property Manager Daniel

Daniel is acting as the Property Manager for Shannon's condo. It's a big job. He has to respond to any legitimate need the renter has as well as sift through the requests to determine what is legitimate and what is simply whining. He has to collect the rent on time, pay the mortgage and home owner dues on time. He has to keep the place rented and do all the work that needs to be done between renters. All of this is being done for very little moola (I plan to talk to his boss about a just and fair raise).

Not Shannon's actual unit.
Her layout is reversed with a fence around the entry; but otherwise looks the same.

He is currently between renters and is learning the challenges this entails. He saw the place just before the outgoing renters left and said it looked to be in very good shape. He made an appointment to show it to a prospective renter after the place was empty but before he got a chance to see it empty...he'll never do that again. He lost what could have been a great fit for a renter because the place looked horrid in the light of day with all the furniture and decorations gone. The walls were beat up, the rug had multiple stains, the blinds were broken, the kitchen looked dirty and old and the bathroom was disgustingly gross.

So far he has scraped clean the old bathroom caulking and scrubbed off the built up mold, hung new blinds and made a to-do list before he shows it to another prospective renter. He is learning the balancing act of making it inviting while spending the bare minimum to do so. He knows he needs to do a complete paint job, hang a curtain in front of the water heater closet, repair the front door, replace stove parts and clean the carpet (or possibly replace if the stains are permanent).

Maybe he'll make his millions as the family's next real estate mogul :)

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