I remember a shrink describing my ex as an if only man. "If only I had a house with a garage and white picket fence I would stay home more often". So we got a house with a garage and white picket fence. He didn't stay home more often.
All of us have a bit of if only in us. It is human nature. "If only I didn't have to go to work every day I could deep clean our walk in closet". Six months after my last day at work the closet in question is still a jumble of clothes, shoes, suitcases, boxes, pictures, furniture, buckets and more. In other words, pure chaos. In my defense it is organized chaos; I can locate anything as long as I have enough time to muddle through the mess :).
The trick to battling the if only syndrome is to have a bit of just do it in you as well. That is why I have written in ink on my calendar: clean and organize closet. Oh, okay, it's not written in ink. It is actually written in Calibri 11 font on my Outlook calendar - but that phrase doesn't bring the point home like written in ink. Wouldn't you agree?
The goal is to give away every item that is not in use (time to admit those skinny jeans will never ever be worn again-by either of us) and every item that shouldn't be in use (like the 3 drundel skirts that make me look 6 inches shorter and 16 pounds wider or the horizontal stripe shirts that add visually unwanted inches to John's, ahem, midsection).
Once the multitude of unneeded and unwanted items are gone there will be plenty of room for the dresser and desk to move back in...thus leaving me a grown up bedroom rather than a storage room with wall-to-wall furniture. That makes me smile :)
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